Sommerabend: Barfuß unterwegs auf den noch warmen Straßen und durch die Landschaft mit den blühenden Kartoffelfeldern spazieren. Danach mit offenen Fenstern auf der Autobahn zurück in die
Stadt fahren und auf voller Lautstärke schlechte Chart-Songs im Radio hören.

zusammen, ich bin zurück – und gleich wieder weg. Ab morgen geht es in den langersehnten Urlaub nach Kroatien, durch das ich die nächsten zwei Wochen samt Freund und Zelt reisen werde. Ich habe mir viel vorgenommen und werde versuchen,
auch während des Urlaubs den ein oder anderen kurzen Post zu
verfassen, damit der Blog nicht weiter verkümmert und so viele Tage traurig ohne Updates verbringen muss. Bis dahin wünsche ich euch allen wunderbare sonnige Tage, wir lesen uns!
You've seen these two guys here already, but I also snapped a picture
of them on film. For me, it's always interesting to see how my
digital photos differ from the analogue ones. I use both cameras in
very different ways and for different motives and I think it's highly
interesting why that is. |
2. Barefoot on the warm roads, exploring the landscape and the fields
filled with blossoming potato plants around the lake nearby. After
that we drove back into the city with the windows of my car wide
open, letting in the last golden rays of sunlight and listening to
lousy pop songs on the radio at full level. | 3. My version of saying
sorry: Selfmade popcorn (overall the idea wasn't quite thought
through, the popcorn ended up sticking to the keyboard and who wants
to eat fuzzy popcorn, haha). | 4. Lazy mornings. | 5. My university and its concrete charm. Last week, I took my last exam, the last
one of my bachelor-studies, and right now I couldn't be happier about
it. Cause tomorrow, I will be off to Croatia for two weeks! I will however try to post a few small updates whilst I'm there, so that you won't have to wait that long until there's something new up on the blog. | 6. Again,
another picture you have seen the digital version of it already: H.
in the rye. | 7. People are weird. And this guy obviously likes
turtles. | 8. Swimming at sunset, when all the families had gone home
already and there were hardly any people left at the lake. | 9. This
is how my table has looked like over the last couple of weeks: A cup
of coffee with lots of sugar in it and a pile of sheets I was trying to understand. Outside, the most beautiful weather you could think of.
| 10. M. and me. | 11. Lonley jacket without an
owner. //
analoge bilder sind echt toll. sehr schöne bilder!
ReplyDeletedanke dir lilly! ♥
Deletehach, so schön, fühlt sich richtig nach sommer an, die bilder!
ReplyDeleteoh danke dir lena! ich finde deinen blog so nebenbei ganz wunderbar :)
DeleteWunderwunderschöne Fotos!
ReplyDeleteIch wünsche dir ganz viel Spaß in Kroatien :)
vielen dank lena ♥
DeleteWie immer einfach nur schön <3
ReplyDeletetausend dank!