Letztes Wochenende habe ich eine Freundin eingepackt und mit in meine Heimat genommen. Bilder aus einem Kurzurlaub fernab von Salzwasser-Haaren und knatternden Mofas.

Der Ausblick, der mir wohl am meisten fehlt, seitdem ich vor drei Jahren ausgezogen bin.

Last weekend, a friend came to visit me in the place I grew up. We spend our days walking along the shores of the lake, going hiking in the mountains and welcoming the five tiny kittens at my parents house. Have a great week guys!
PS! Remember my lovely new watch from Daniel Wellington? Don't miss out on your chance to receive 15% off everything on danielwellington.com! Just enter "thecurlyhead" at checkout - and don't hesitate, it's only valid till Sunday! xx
PS! Remember my lovely new watch from Daniel Wellington? Don't miss out on your chance to receive 15% off everything on danielwellington.com! Just enter "thecurlyhead" at checkout - and don't hesitate, it's only valid till Sunday! xx